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Animated Stories from the Bible: The Ministry of Paul

  • Animated Stories from the Bible: The Ministry of Paul

    Paul's ministry is an act of continuing faith and determination in the face of opposition from both Jewish religious leaders and Roman civil authority. Paul tirelessly crisscrosses the Romans Empire time and time again, preaching the word of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles alike as he establishes Christian communities that would grow into a universal church. We begin with a meeting of the Pharisees, a strict Jewish sect which considers Paul's preaching and success in converting Jews to Christianity as a threat to their survival-a threat they must snuff out. We travel with Paul as he preaches to Jews and Gentiles alike, curing the sick and lame in the name of Jesus. But the Pharisees are unrelenting in their opposition to Paul's " blasphemy" arranging to have stoned. Paul continues his ministry, traveling about the lands of the Romans Empire where he and Silas are whipped and thrown into prison for preaching Christianity. Trapped in prison, they put there faith in the Lord and a massive ...

    Release Date: 1991
    Runtime: 30 min

    Category : Bible Movies for Kids

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