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Animated Stories from the Bible: Treasures in Heaven

  • Animated Stories from the Bible: Treasures in Heaven

    Two wealthy men respond to Jesus in very different ways. One, who is basically good, is unable to accept Jesus' directive that he give up the treasures of this world for the greater treasures of Heaven. The other, a sinful Publican, struggles to come to grips with his emerging faith in Jesus, and finally accepts with his fellow man and achieving eternal salvation. Zacchaeus is the Chief Publican of Jericho, gaining great wealth by cheating others. His young son has heard of Jesus and wants to go see Him. But Zacchaeus will not give up the opportunity to make money just to listen to a mere "rabbi." In the countryside, a wealthy young man finds Jesus preaching. When he asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, Jesus tells him to obey the commandments, to sell all he has and give to the poor. The rich man, unable o part with his gold, turns away. " How difficult it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God", observes Jesus. " It is easier for a camel to go through the eye ...

    Release Date: 1991
    Runtime: 30 min

    Category : Bible Movies for Kids

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