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Animated Stories from the Bible: Forgive Us Our Debts

  • Animated Stories from the Bible: Forgive Us Our Debts

    Through examples and parables, Jesus leads Peter to learn the power of forgiveness and how to control his anger at those who do him wrong. Through Peter's experience, we learn the lesson of forgiveness. As Peter looks over the day's excellent catch of fish, two demanding tax collectors come up to his boat. Mocking Peter's faith in Christ, they tell Peter they will return the next day to collect their tax for the temple. Jesus tells the angry Peter to forgive the tax collectors and to go to the sea and cast in his line. There, as Jesus foretold, Peter catches a fish. In the mouth of the fish is the money to pay the tax. But Peter is still angry and pays the tax with bitterness in his heart. Peter asks Jesus,"How many times do I forgive a man who has done me wrong?" Jesus tells Peter that he must forgive everyone not just once, or seven times, but "seven times seventy times." Jesus relates the parable of the foolish and proud Hazor who owes a large debt to the King. Unable to pay the ...

    Release Date: 1991
    Runtime: 30 min

    Category : Bible Movies for Kids

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