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Animated Stories from the Bible: John The Baptist

  • Animated Stories from the Bible: John The Baptist

    John the Baptist, born to an elderly couple in answer to their prayers and a promise from God, grows up to be a prophet, preaching of the coming of the messiah. He fulfills Biblical prophecy by recognizing Jesus as the promised Savior and baptizing Him going before the Lord. The moving story of John the Baptist begins as Elizabeth, a virtuous older woman who longs for a child, delights in watching a young boy playing outside her window. Her husband Zacharias, chosen to offer incense to God at the temple, is visited there by the Angel Gabriel who tells him that his wife is to bear a son. Zacharias can't believe this miracle but the angels assures him," All things are possible with the Lord." Because of his disbelief, Zacharias suddenly falls deaf and mute, unable to tell his family and neighbors what happened to him. When Elizabeth's son is born and family members ask his name, she answers " John " a name they refuse to accept since none among them share it. The family asks Zacharias ...

    Release Date: 1 june 1990
    Runtime: 30 min

    Category : Bible Movies for Kids

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