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Animated Stories from the Bible: Miracles of Jesus Christ

  • Animated Stories from the Bible: Miracles of Jesus Christ

    Jesus calms the storm, walks on water, heals the sick, the lame and the blind and even raises the dead- all miracles demonstrating his love and teaching his disciples the miraculous power of faith. The Miracles of Jesus begins with a test of the disciples' faith as their as their boat is tossed about on the Sea of Galilee by the fierce storm. Jesus awakens to calm the storm, asking Peter and the others," why were you afraid? Where is your faith?" We learn of miracles performed by Jesus, including his healing of the palsied child, David, and raising Jairus' daughter, Sarah from the dead. Just the touch of Jesus' robe heals a woman, sick for 12 years, as he tells her, ''Your faith has made you whole." Peter and the others Disciples, out fishing, find it hard to believe that faith alone can accomplish so much. Peter sees Jesus walking on the water, seeks to join him and strides across the water's surface until his faith weakens. Jesus explains to the Disciples that if their faith is at ...

    Release Date: 1 June 1989
    Runtime: 30 min

    Category : Bible Movies for Kids

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