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Animated Stories from the Bible: The Prodigal Son

  • Animated Stories from the Bible: The Prodigal Son

    The Prodigal Son, Jacob, leaves his father's farm to seek his fortune in the city. Encountering many temptations, Jacob squanders his inheritance. Reduced to living with animals, he decides to return to his father's home regardless of the consequences. His father welcomes Jacob home, celebrating his return and forgiving him of his sins. With a group of followers gathered about him, Jesus tells the parable of the Prodigal Son, Jacob, the younger son of a successful farmer, begs his father for his inheritance so he can go to the city and become a rich money lender. Jacob's brother insists that Jacob stay and do his part of the hard work on the farm. But Jacob's father finally relents and bids a sad good-bye to his younger son. In the city Jacob sees temptations on every corner, and he wastes his money at every opportunity. When Jacob is chased through the streets by a group of beggars, he is rescued by the lovely Anna and her brother Fashid. Anna wants to help Jacob invest his money ...

    Release Date: 1 June 1988
    Runtime: 30 min

    Category : Bible Movies for Kids

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