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Animated Stories From The Bible: Joseph In Egypt

  • Animated Stories From The Bible: Joseph In Egypt

    Joseph, a young Hebrew boy who was sold by his brothers into slavery, finds himself in the land of Egypt. Frightened and alone, Joseph must now live in a foreign land among people who do not know the God of Abraham. Yet, despite the strangeness of his surroundings, Joseph does not forget the lessons he has learned at the feet of Jacob, his father. When cast into prison for a crime he did not commit, Joseph interprets the dreams of his companions and earns the respect of everyone he meets. News of Joseph's ability to interpret dreams reaches Pharaoh, ruler of Egypt, who is himself disturbed by a puzzling dream, which none of his court magicians or wise men can interpret. As Joseph is called to the court of Pharaoh, he remains true to his God and calls upon the Lord to tell him the message of the dream. Once again, Joseph is given the power to interpret and earns favor in the eyes of Pharaoh. Joseph, a Hebrew, rises in importance in the land of Egypt to become second in command only to ...

    Release Date: 1992
    Runtime: 30 min

    Category : Bible Movies for Kids

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